
Single Connection to All of Your Global Logistics Service Providers

Blume Global provides a single interface hiding the complexity of communicating with thousands of carriers, terminals, distribution centers, consolidation freight stations, IoT sensors and many other systems enabling planning, booking, execution, and tracking shipments and processing associated invoices.

Data Cleaning

The Blume Global Digital Operating Platform applies many techniques including correlating multiple sources of the same event to ensure data accuracy and integrity, giving you and Blume Solutions access to the fastest and most accurate information.


Blume’s cloud-based platform is highly scalable, flexible, and secure. With features including high availability and elastic computing, the platform is able to reliably host complex analytics, artificial intelligence and optimization algorithms while providing fast UI and API response times.

the solution

Blume Digital Platform

Driving rapid digital transformation, the platform captures and cleans data from Blume Network sources into a single virtual and highly available place, powering logistics and supply chains globally. Data is accessible to authorized users via Web user interface, REST API’s and standard and custom electronic data interchange formats.

our global network

Always Growing, Always Optimized


Motor Carriers






Annual Events



TMS Integrations



Terminals, Depots & Rail Ramps



App Translations